
1. Introduction

The ISXCloud platform is used to share sensitive data between ISX and merchants. Specifically, this platform is used for sharing guides and examples related to integrating ‘Payouts using API’. Merchants will also share their RSA public key and the HMAC secret, with ISX, via this platform.

The process may be summarised as per the following schematic:

Figure 1: Process summary

2. Prerequisites

In order to successfully complete the contents of this manual, the following prerequisites are required:

  • A secure internet connection.

  • A modern internet browser (e.g., Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, or Microsoft Internet Explorer).

  • The user login credentials supplied by ISX.

3. Accessing ISXCloud

Open the following URL in an internet browser of your choice (refer to Figure 2):

Having accessed the above-mentioned URL, the browser will redirect the user to a Cloudflare Access page in order to initiate the sign-in process with a valid email address (refer to Figure 3).

Enter a valid email address in the ‘Email’ field and click on the ‘Send me a code’ button (refer to Figure 4).

Having entered a valid email address and clicked on the ‘Send me a code’ button, the user will be presented with a screen similar to the following:

The user is being informed by the above-mentioned screen that a code has been sent to the email address of that user. The user will receive an email with a 6-digit code for signing into ISXCloud.

Cloudflare will send the user an email from the following address:

If the user’s company blocks certain external email addresses, then the user’s IT department needs to be requested to whitelist the above email address.

A whitelist (also called an allowlist) is a cybersecurity strategy that approves a list of email addresses, IP addresses, domain names, and/or applications, while denying all others. IT administrators use a whitelist as a quick and easy way to help safeguard computers and networks from potentially harmful threats or inappropriate material on local networks or across the internet.

The email should arrive within 1 to 3 minutes.

The email received should resemble the following figure:

Having received the email, make a note of the 6-digit code (highlighted in Figure 6).

Code duration
The 6-digit code will expire within 10 minutes from the email arrival time – therefore, it is advisable to enter the code in the browser as soon as possible.

Enter the 6-digit code in the ‘Enter code’ field (in the browser) (refer to Figure 7).

Enter the 6-digit code (supplied in the email) and then click on the ‘Sign in’ button (refer to Figure 8).

Having successfully signed in, the login page of ISXCloud will be accessible to the user (refer to Figure 9).

Enter a valid email address in the ‘Account name or email’ field of the ISXCloud screen in order to begin the login process, as per the following screen:

Then, enter the password provided to you by ISX in the ‘Password’ field and click on the ‘Log in’ button, as per the following screen:

Show/hide password
In order to show a password, click on the ”eye open” icon in the ‘Password’ field.
In order to hide a password, click on the “eye closed“ icon in the ‘Password’ field.

Having supplied a valid email address and password, the user will be logged into ISXCloud (refer to Figure 12).

Having successfully logged into ISXCloud, the following dashboard will be displayed to the user:

It is necessary to change the password that was supplied to the user by ISX for security purposes.

To do so, click on the round button, on the top-right hand corner of the page (refer to Figure 14).

Clicking on the round button will unfold a drop-down menu, as per the following screen:

Select the ‘Settings’ option from the drop-down menu, as per the following screen:

Having clicked on the ‘Settings’ option, the following ‘Settings’ screen will be presented to the user:

Select the ‘Security’ option from the options listed on the left-hand menu of the ISXCloud ‘Settings’ screen (refer to Figure 18).

Having clicked on the ‘Security’ option from the options listed on the left-hand menu of the ISXCloud ‘Settings’ screen, the following screen will be presented to the user:

In the ‘Current password’ field, enter the password that was supplied to the user by ISX (refer to Figure 20).

Then, in the ‘New password’ field, enter a new, unique password, as per the following screen:

Having satisfied the required password strength criteria, the ‘Password is secure’ message will be displayed below the ‘New password’ field, as per the screen above.

If the password does not meet the required password strength criteria, the user will be prompted with error messages, as per the following 2 screens:

Having satisfied the password criteria, click on the ‘Change password’ button, as per the following screen:

Having successfully changed the password, the ‘Saved’ pop-up message will be displayed to the user, as per the following screen:


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