Getting Started

Getting Started

1. Introduction

All new clients can integrate and test their data in the staging environment.

Request from ISX customer services to provide you with all of the necessary details.

Our dashboard is always kept updated, including all of the latest features, so that clients are able to familiarise themselves with the relevant functionalities and test new integration in our staging environment.

When ready, simply inform us, and our integration team will assist in migrating to the production environment.


  1. Production API URL: https://gateway.isignthis.com/v1/authorization

  2. Stage API URL: https://stage-gateway.isignth.is/v1/authorization

2. What will be provided

2.1. API Header

Firstly, the following fields will be provided during the transaction process:

Field Name

Field Value

Field Name

Field Value


API client name


Bearer API token



The word Bearer must be present in the API token or else an error will result.

2.2. Merchant ID

Secondly, the Merchant ID (which is the identification of the merchant in the ISX system) is provided.

This is a information is mandatory and is used in the API request.

2.3. Workflow

Thirdly, the API Workflow is provided.

In our case, it is the name of the “settings” that we assign to the Merchant or API.

For more details about Notifications, refer to Notifications.

Transaction Notifications: to receive transaction notifications, such as “Transaction_Accepted”, then provide the ISX relationship management team with a notification URL.
If you don’t receive the above fields (API Header, Merchant ID and Workflow) contact us.

The ISX relationship management team is available if any questions arise during the process.

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