Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

API Client Name, Bearer API Token, Content Type
Production Environment:
Refer to the Getting Started page for more information.

The word Bearer must be present in the API token or else an error will result.

The API Header information such as API Client Name, Bearer API Token, and Content Type are provided by the ISX relationship management team.

The word Bearer must be present in the API token or else an error will result.

Acquiring (required fields)

The API call requires information about billing address to proceed with a payment:
• first_name
• last_name
• email
• mobile
• billing_address_street
• billing_address_street_number
• billing_address_city
• billing_address_postal_code
• billing_address_country

Paydentity (required fields)

The API call requires additional information of the end user from the cardholder, such as residential address, to proceed with a payment:
• first_name
• last_name
• dob
• gender
• email
• mobile
• billing_address_street
• billing_address_street_number
• billing_address_city
• billing_address_postal_code
• billing_address_country
• residential_address_street
• residential_address_street_number
• residential_address_city
• residential_address_postal_code
• residential_address_subdivision (US,AU,CA)
• residential_address_country
• citizen_country

Additional parameters are mandatory based on the country:
US, AU, CA – residential_address_subdivision valid state (for countries that have states).

Information about the required fields are also provided in the Client Object.






Only 24 characters are allowed without any special characters (maximum length: 255 chars).




E.123 mobile should be within 5-15 characters (including prefix code). No spaces are allowed.


E.123 phone number should be within 5-15 characters (including prefix code). No spaces are allowed.


Only 24 characters are allowed without any special characters (maximum length: 255 chars).


Only 24 characters are allowed without any special characters (maximum length: 255 chars).

All the required information in the transaction is sent to the notification URL provided.
For more details, refer to the Notifications page.


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