PaidBy: Accepting Payments
Published Dec 9, 2024

PaidBy: Accepting Payments


1. Introduction

Open banking is the secure sharing of financial data between financial institutions, such as ISX. Before open banking became available, consumer financial data was controlled solely by big banks. Now, consumers are able to access, and manage, their financial data across our platforms — resulting in a smoother, more personalised experience in the process. This benefits our customers, who end up paying lower costs whilst enjoying improved technology and customer service.

2. Accepting payments with PaidBy

2.1. Procedure

2.1.1 Searching for & selecting a bank

Having entered an amount, search for a bank (in this example it is called Fake Bank with Client Keys) by using the search function or by scrolling though the list of the Select your bank screen (refer to Figure 1).

Having found the Fake Bank with Client Keys bank option in the Select your bank screen (refer to Figure 1), select it (refer to Figure 2).

After selecting the relevant bank, the system will automatically proceed to the next screen.

2.1.2 Banking details

Having selected the relevant bank, the Banking details screen will automatically load (refer to Figure 3). This screen prefills the customer details, which would have previously been collected by a merchant. The purpose of this step is so that a customer does not have to manually add these details at a later stage. Whilst integrating or testing, a merchant should ensure that the system successfully prefills these details based on the data that is being passed via API, for a more streamlined end-user experience. These details might include:

  • Full name.

  • Account type.

  • Email.

After confirming the banking details and clicking on the Continue button, the system will proceed to the next screen.

2.1.3 Consenting to payment

Having selected the relevant bank and provided the banking details, the Consent to payment screen will automatically load (refer to Figure 4).

Check the following details on the Consent to payment screen (refer to Figure 4):

  • Amount (that was entered previously).

  • Paying From bank (that was selected in step 2.1.1 above).

Then, if all of the above details are correct, consent to the payment by clicking on the Confirm button (refer to Figure 4).

2.1.4 Instructions

Having consented to the payment, the login screen will be presented to the user (refer to Figure 5).

Expand the ‘Show instructions’ drop-down widget (refer to Figure 5) in order to reveal the instructions (refer to Figure 6) that will be required in the following steps.

The instructions listed in the drop-down widget (refer to Figure 6) include the following details:

  • Valid username: username

  • Valid password: secret

  • Valid confirmation code: 123456

  • Valid IBANs: DE84100110012612443333, DE85100110012612447777, DE97100110012612446785, GB33BUK20201555555555

The instructions listed in the drop-down widget (refer to Figure 6) will be used in the following steps.

2.1.5 Logging in

Having viewed the details (listed in the instructions drop-down widget in step 2.1.4 above), supply a valid username (username) and password (secret) in order to login (refer to Figure 7).

Then, click on the Proceed button, which should now be active (refer to Figure 7).

Unless a valid username and password is supplied, the Proceed button will remain inactive.

In order to see the password being typed, click on the view password icon in the password field. In order to hide the password being typed, click on the hide password icon in the password field.

2.1.6 Account identification

Once the relevant ownership of the account has been chosen, select the relevant account in order to the initiate the payment (refer to Figure 8).

Select the first account (DE84100110012612443333) by using the relevant radio button (refer to Figure 9).

The relevant account to be used (DE84100110012612443333) is listed in the instructions drop-down widget in step 2.1.4 above.

When the relevant account for initiating the payment has been selected, click on the Proceed button, which should now be active (refer to Figure 9).

Unless an account selection is made, the Proceed button will remain inactive. Only one selection is allowed.

2.1.7 Confirmation code

Having successfully selected the relevant account, the system requires a confirmation code in order to continue (refer to Figure 10).

Supply a relevant confirmation code (refer to Figure 11).

The confirmation code to be used (123456) is listed in the instructions drop-down widget in step 2.1.4 above.

Having entered the relevant confirmation code, click on the Proceed button, which should now be active (refer to Figure 11).

2.1.8 Payment progress

Immediately after confirmation, the Payment In Progress screen should appear indicating that the payment is in progress (refer to Figure 12).

Click on the Done button to continue (refer to Figure 13).

The merchant should now be redirected to the merchant’s website.

2.2. Concluding notes

The purpose of this procedure is to guide a merchant through the payment initiation process and, of course, through the user experience. This procedure does not include information related to the Application Programming Interface (API). The PaidBy API documentation provides more technical information.

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