Card Payments
1. Introduction
Acquiring, is the first step of the sequence, that enables the user to go through authentication and make a payment.
Different information can be included in the API request, however there are some specific objects that are required for a successful authentication process.
The API call requires information about the billing address to proceed with the payment.
In our case, the workflow of the acquiring consists of the below four steps: Create API Request, Receive API Request Response, ISX Transaction page, and Result page.
If you are doing Sofort or POLi integration, follow the same acquiring procedure.
2. Create API Request
The API request consists of four steps: Method, URL, Header, and Body.
Request Method: POST
The API is accessed from the Request URL.
Production API URL:
Stage API URL:
Fill in the appropriate header information.
The API header information is provided by the ISX relationship management team.
Field Name | Field Value |
From | API client name |
Authentication | Bearer API token |
Content-Type | application/json |
Field Name | Field Value |
From | Test_APIClient |
Authentication | Bearer TEXnkvZCtFucXebHYwrYLIGbkhjygvBTbxWELCCnCQJTKsx6bYNh5fOjEE |
Content-Type | application/json |
The word Bearer must be present in the API token or else an error will result.
In order to generate the “Transaction API call” the following API Objects are required.
Each object has a number of specific attributes.
Below each object name, object description, and whether an object is required or not is listed.
Also, the glossary column has a link that directs to detailed information about each object, including examples.
Object Name | Description | Required | Glossary |
merchant | Information of the merchant | Yes | |
transaction | Information of the transaction | Yes | |
client | Information of the client | Yes | |
account | Information of the account | Yes | |
cardholder | Information of the cardholder | No* |
*Cardholder object is only applicable if you have card numbers entered on your own payment page (server to server).
You must be PCI certified to do this.
ISX will need to review and approve the PCI documents in order to allow server to server integrations.
“Test_Workflow” text must be replaced with the “workflow name” provided by the ISX relationship management team.
“Test_Merchant” text must be replaced with the “merchant_id” provided by the ISX relationship management team.
The API call also consists of the following required fields that you need to complete to proceed with the payment:
Refer to the JSON code on the right-hand side provided for reference.
Sample JSON Body for Acquiring
"billing_address_street":"Arthur Street",
"billing_address_secondary":"PO Box 24",
In the “account” object - the identifier is the customer ID that you assigned to your customer. Each “identifier” must be unique and paired with the customer for future transactions.
3. Receive API Request Response
Once the POST is sent, a response message will be received.
Field | Type | Description |
id/uid | String | Unique response identification code. |
secret | String | The transaction secret code that can be used to validate ISX notifications. |
mode | String | The transaction mode detected by ISX. |
original_message | Object | Information about your transaction request. |
state | String | Information about the state of the transaction. |
compound_state | String | The ISX meaningful state of the transaction. |
redirect_url | String | The redirect URL. |
Sample JSON Payment Response
Note the “redirect_url” (found on line 40 of the payment response).
Following the redirect_url, will lead to the transaction page.
If the API request response is unsuccessful an error will be shown.
4. ISX Transaction Page (how to receive notifications)
Once the ISX transaction page is opened, the customer maybe prompted to insert additional information (depending on the settings requested), once completed, proceed with the transaction.
For each unsuccessful transaction a customer makes, an appropriate event notification will be provided to your webhook.
Refer to Notifications and Transaction events for more information.
5. Results Page
Depending on which page you have decided to show, either the ISX results page or your own page.
This will be displayed to the customer with the appropriate message.
Refer to Transaction events and Transaction states for more information.
In case of any issues, contact the ISX relationship management team.
6. Acquiring Notifications
Below are various acquiring notifications (to view an example of an entire JSON payment response, refer to the above sample payment, section 2).
Transaction Start
The initial notification will be the transaction_start notification.
JSON Extract
Transaction Pending
If or when an authorization is made on the customer’s card
JSON Extract
Payment Accepted
If or when funds are captured/debited from the customer’s card (this is not the final notification, in case you initiate a refund to the customer, receive a fraud or a chargeback notification for the relevant transaction).
JSON Extract
In case of a refund (full or partial refund) being initiated from your side, you will receive the following notifications:
Refunds Pending
When a transaction is in the process of being refunded.
JSON Extract
Refund Issued
When a (partial or full) refund is completed successfully.
JSON Extract
The refund notifications are not final notifications in case a partial refund is made, i.e., there is no unique identifier to distinguish between a partial or full refund.
Final Notifications
The final notifications (events) which are relevant to you, are the following:
JSON Extract
The transaction_declined and the transaction_accepted notifications have many different compound states (scenarios).
7. Test Card CVV’s
As part of our integration process, we will provide you with a test card.
Note the CVV codes in the table below.
Depending on the results of your tests, you will notice different notifications being sent.
If you wish, you can update your CRM system according to the transaction notifications.
CVV From (inclusive) | CVV To (inclusive) | Transaction Result |
001 | 199 | OK (Success) |
200 | 299 | Incorrect CVV |
300 | 399 | Invalid Currency |
400 | 499 | Insufficient Funds |
500 | 599 | Card Lost |
600 | 699 | Card Restricted |
700 | 799 | Declined (by Issuer) |
800 | 899 | Suspected Fraud |
900 | 999 | General Error |
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