API Glossary
For API operations, three fields are required for the header of the API post.
Field Name | Field Value |
From | API client name |
Authorization | Bearer API token |
Content-Type | application/json |
Field Name | Field Value |
From | Test_APIClient |
Authorization | Bearer TEXnkvZCtFucXebHYwrYLIGbkhjygvBTbxWELCCnCQJTKsx6bYNh5fOjEE |
Content-Type | application/json |
The word Bearer must be present in the API token or else an error will result.
Merchant Object
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Yes | Unique merchant identification code, provided by ISX. |
return_url | String | No | This URL is where ISX will redirect the user after completing the transaction. |
transaction_webhook_url | String | No | Using “transaction_webhook_url” field will override the default URL that was set with the ISX relationship management team every time a request is sent. |
Transaction Object
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Yes | Your unique transaction identification code. |
datetime | String | No | Date and time transaction has been recorded (JavaScript format). |
amount | String | Yes | The transaction amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g., cents if using EUR). |
currency | String | Yes | ISO 4217 currency (alphabetic) code (refer to this link for more information). |
reference | String | Yes | Your transaction reference code. |
recurring_id | String | No | Your unique referencing identifier of a completed transaction flagged as init_recurring. |
init_recurring | Boolean | No | To indicate the beginning/activation of a recurring series. |
When recurring_id is provided, amount, currency, and init_recurring should not be present in the request, or a validation error will occur.
Client Object
Field | Type | Required For | Description |
ip | String | Yes | Internet protocol address of the client. |
first_name | String | Yes | First name the client provided. |
middle_name | String | No | Middle name the client provided. |
last_name | String | Yes | Last name the client provided. |
dob | String | Yes (Paydentity) | Date of birth |
gender | String | *Yes (Paydentity) | Gender of the client |
String | Yes | Email address of the client. | |
mobile | String | Yes | International mobile phone number of the client. |
phone_number | String | No | International home phone number of the client. |
residential_address_secondary | String | No | Line 2 of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_street | String | Yes (Paydentity) | Line 1 of the client’s residential address |
residential_address_street_number | String | Yes (Paydentity) | Street number of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_city | String | Yes (Paydentity) | City (Town/Locality) of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_postal_code | String | Yes (Paydentity) | Postal Code of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_subdivision | String | *Yes (Paydentity) | ISO 3166-2 State / County / Region / Province / Subdivision code of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_country | String | Yes (Paydentity) | ISO 3166-1 country (alpha-2) of the client’s residential address (refer to this link for more information). |
billing_address_secondary | String | No | Line 2 of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_street | String | Yes | Line 1 of the client’s billing address (without the street number). |
billing_address_street_number | String | No | Street number of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_city | String | Yes | City (Town/Locality) of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_postal_code | String | Yes | Postal Code of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_subdivision | String | No | ISO 3166-2 State / County / Region / Province / Subdivision code of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_country | String | Yes | ISO 3166-1 country (alpha-2) of the billing address (refer to this link for more information). |
citizen_country | String | Yes (Paydentity) | ISO 3166-1 citizen country (alpha-2) of the client (refer to this link for more information). |
birth_country | String | No | ISO 3166-1 birth country (alpha-2) of the client (refer to this link for more information). |
"billing_address_secondary":"PO Box 24",
Sample JSON with all the optional code
"residential_address_street":"Arthur Street",
"residential_address_secondary":"PO Box 24",
"billing_address_secondary":"PO Box 24",
Cardholder Object
Field | Type | Required | Description |
pan | String | Yes | Primary account number, i.e., the “card number” on either a debit or a credit card. |
expiration_date | String | Yes | Four-digit representation of the PAN expiration date. |
cvv | String | Conditional | Card verification value. |
name | String | Yes | Name of primary account holder. |
"name":"Shana Barrows"
Payment Route Object
Field | Type | Required | Description |
acquirer_id | String | No | Force the payment route to go to specified ISX acquirer id and bypass ISX routing rules. |
Account Object
Field | Type | Required | Description |
identifier | String | Yes | Merchant provided unique identifier for the end user account. |
secret | String | No | The account secret code. |
Card Reference Object
Field | Type | Description |
masked_pan | String | Primary account number masked, i.e. the “card number” on either a debit or a credit card. |
card_brand | String | Card brand of the card number. |
expiry_date | String | Four-digit representation of the PAN expiration date. |
Original Message Object
Field | Type | Description |
merchant_id | String | Your merchant identification code, provided by ISX. |
transaction_id | String | The request transaction identification code. |
reference | String | Your transaction reference code. |
account | Object | Information about the account. |
"full_name":"Firstname Lastname"
Recurring Credential Object
Field | Type | Description |
recurring_id | String | Referencing identifier for a completed transaction flagged as init-recurring, provided by ISX. |
status | String | The current status of the recurring credential. |
strength | String | The current strength of the recurring credential. |
origin_transaction_id | String | The id of the transaction flagged as init-recurring and originally activated the recurring series. |
origin_merchant_id | String | Your merchant identification code. |
masked_pan | String | Primary account number masked, i.e. the “card number”, bound with the recurring series. |
exp_date | String | Representation of the bound card number expiration date. |
recurring_type | String | The registered type of the recurring operation. |
amount | String | The amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g., cents if using EUR) for the recurring transaction. |
currency | String | ISO 4217 currency (alphabetic) code for the recurring transaction (refer to this link for more information). |
identifier | String | Merchant provided unique identifier (rid) for the end user account authorised for this recurring series. |
execution_counter | String | How many times the recurring operation was executed/processed successfully. |
"full_name":"Firstname Lastname",
Identity Object
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Client’s identity unique id, provided by ISX. |
download_url | String | The URL you can use to download the full PII information. |
ledger_lifetime_amount | String | The total amount transacted by the client with the merchant in the smallest currency unit. |
ledger_lifetime_currency | String | ISO 4217 currency (alphabetic) code for total transacted amount by the client with the merchant (refer to this link for more information). |
credit_ledger_lifetime_amount | String | The total amount credited by the client with the merchant in the smallest currency unit. |
credit_ledger_lifetime_currency | String | ISO 4217 currency (alphabetic) code for total credited amount by the client with the merchant (refer to this link for more information). |
kyc_state | String | The KYC State (NONE, NEW, HOLD, ACCEPTED, REJECTED, EXPIRED). |
created_at | String | The time this identity was created (JavaScript format). |
Screen Entities Object
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | The action taken based on this PEP or sanction result. |
screen_result | Object | Contains the match rate of the individual. |
score | String | The average score of all attributes (Name, DOB, Address). |
name_score | String | The score based on name. |
dob_score | String | The score based on date of birth. |
address_score | String | The score based on address. |
address | String | The billing address. |
notes | String | A short description why the person is marked for screening as PEP or sanction. |
"address":"12 Address 1234 Melbourne Australia",
"notes":"This is a PEP/Sanction Result because..."
Entity Formats Object
Field | Type | Description |
entity_formats | String | The genre of the screening (PEP and/or Sanction). May include multiple selections. |
Outstanding Task Object
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | The ID of the task. |
type | String | The type of the outstanding task. |
state | String | The state of the outstanding task. |
awaiting | String | The task awaits action from an operator. |
created_at | String | The time this identity was created. |
available_actions | String | The available actions for the outstanding task (Accept or Reject). |
Payment Provider Response Object
Field | Type | Description |
operation_type | String | The operation type. |
operation_successful | Boolean | Indicates whether the operation was successful or not. |
provider_type | String | The type of payment instrument. |
provider_name | String | The name of the Payment Provider. |
request_currency | String | ISO 4217 currency (alphabetic) code of the requested currency (refer to this link for more information). |
reference_code | String | A unique reference code for the transaction. |
provider_reference_code | String | The identifier issued by the payment provider for this operation. |
response_id | String | The response identifier. |
status_code | String | The status code returned from payment provider. |
status_description | String | The status code description. |
Payment Amount Object
Field | Type | Description |
currency | String | ISO 4217 currency (alphabetic) code for payment (refer to this link for more information). |
amount | Number | The amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. cents if using EUR). |
Profile Object
Field | Type | Description |
title | String | The client’s title. |
first_name | String | The client’s first name. |
middle_name | String | The client’s middle name(s). |
last_name | String | The client’s last name. |
fullname | String | The client’s full name. |
dob | String | Format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
residential_address_secondary | String | Line 2 of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_street | String | Line 1 of the client’s residential address (without the street number). |
residential_address_street_number | String | Street number of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_city | String | City (Town/Locality) of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_postal_code | String | Postal Code of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_subdivision | String | Subdivision (State/Territory/Province) of the client’s residential address. |
residential_address_country | String | ISO 3166-1 country (alpha-2) of the client’s residential address (refer to this link for more information). |
billing_address_secondary | String | Line 2 of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_street | String | Line 1 of the client’s billing address (without the street number). |
billing_address_street_number | String | Street number of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_city | String | City (Town/Locality) of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_postal_code | String | Postal Code of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_subdivision | String | Subdivision (State/Territory/Province) of the client’s billing address. |
billing_address_country | String | ISO 3166-1 country (alpha-2) of the billing address (refer to this link for more information). |
citizen_country | String | ISO 3166-1 citizen country (alpha-2) of the client (refer to this link for more information). |
birth_country | String | ISO 3166-1 birth country (alpha-2) of the client (refer to this link for more information). |
String | Email address of the client. | |
mobile_number | String | International mobile phone number of the client. |
phone_number | String | International phone number of the client. |
"fullname":"Ms Shana Michelle Barrows",
"residential_address_secondary":"Unit 1",
"residential_address_street":"Arthur Street",
"billing_address_secondary":"PO Box 24",
Supporting Documents Object
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique identifier for the uploaded document. |
mime_type | String | The document media type. |
bytes | Number | The document size in bytes. |
name | String | The original file name. |
category | String | The document category. |
download_url | String | The URL that is used to download the file. |
External Verification Meta Object
Field | Type | Description |
match | String | The result of the electronic verification process. Can be ‘Match’ or ‘No match’. |
details | Object | All the databases the electronic verification process requested for a match. ‘0’ for no match or ‘1’ for match. |
Error Object
Field | Type | Description |
code | String | The error code. |
message | String | A description of the error. |
details | Array | Details for validation errors. |
"message":"Your request failed validation. Please check your parameters
satisfies requirements specified in the API documentation.",
"message":"A valid date of birth must be used (yyyy-mm-dd)"
"message":"Transaction currency must be ISO 4217"
"message":"Country code must be ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2"
Error Details Object
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | The error detail ID. |
message | String | A description of the error detail. |
"message":"Country code must be ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2"
Workflow State Object
Field | Type | Description |
capture | String | Capture is not applicable. |
charge | String | Charge process has been accepted. |
credit | String | Credit is not applicable. |
3ds | String | 3DS is not applicable. |
piv | String | PIV is not applicable. |
sca | String | SCA has been skipped. |
docs | String | Docs is not applicable. |
kyc | String | KYC verification has been accepted. |
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol in the Internet protocol suite model for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.
HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web, where hypertext documents include hyperlinks to other resources that a user can easily access, e.g., by a mouse click or by tapping the screen in a web browser.
The API returns standard HTTP success or error status codes.
HTTP status codes are classified as follows:
Code Range | Description |
100-199 | Informational responses |
200-299 | Successful responses |
300-399 | Redirection messages |
400-499 | Client error messages |
500-599 | Server error messages |
The various HTTP status codes that might be returned are listed below:
Code | Name | Description |
201 | OK | The request succeeded and a new resource was created as a result. |
400 | Bad Request | The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing). |
401 | Unauthorized | Although the HTTP standard specifies “unauthorized”, semantically this response means “unauthenticated”. That is, the client must authenticate itself to get the requested response. |
404 | Not Found | The server cannot find the requested resource. In a browser, this means the URL is not recognised. In an API, this can also mean that the endpoint is valid but the resource itself does not exist. |
500 | Internal Server Error | There was a server side error. |
The mandate states are classified as follows:
State | Description |
Cancelled | Mandate has been cancelled. Mandate cannot be triggered and/or edited. |
Active | Mandate has been set up & active. Mandate can be edited and/or cancelled. |
Declined | Mandate has been declined. Mandate cannot be triggered and/or edited. |
Created | Mandate has been created, but pending activation. Mandate can be edited and/or cancelled. |
Recorded | Mandate has been recorded on the database, but has not been processed yet. |
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