1. Introduction
SEPA Instant Instant Notification (SIIN) is basically additional information/notification(s) of SEPA inbound transactions.
2. SIIN Notifications
2.1. Where to find the notifications
All the required information in the transaction, is sent to the notification URL provided.
A sample of the objects is given below.
To receive notifications on the configured URL, your URL must end with /v1/notification.
Example: “”
2.2. Receive Notification Request
The code provided in the sample notifications, is typical of what you will see after a transaction.
In the response, you will be able to find all the required information regarding the transaction.
There are two sample notifications below, one in EUR and another in GBP.
Data Types
Field | Description | Example(s) |
id | Unique transaction. This will be the same across all webhook attempts to merchant. | 898a610b-432e-41ef-9d47-024b07062520 |
uid | Same as the ID. Value is always the same. | 898a610b-432e-41ef-9d47-024b07062520 |
recurring_transaction | Always false. | false |
event | Always payment_success. | payment_success |
original_sender_iban | Original IBAN of the original sender. For non-EUR: this may contain an account number instead of IBAN e.g., GBP payments. | DE5550010517367539681480013595 |
original_sender_name | Account name of the original sender. | Paul Anderson |
original_sender_bank_country | Country (name) of the sender’s (originating) bank. | Germany |
original_sender_address | Full address of the original sender (if available). | Street, City, Germany |
beneficiary_iban | Beneficiary IBAN (where funds land). For incoming SIIN, this is the merchant's account. Useful for clients who receive SIIN for multiple IBANs. For Cyprus accounts this will always be a CY IBAN. | CY66904000010004100014401000 |
beneficiary_acno | The account number of the beneficiary. | 1014876501000 |
transaction_detail | Reference provided by sender/bank for the transaction. | Reference or message specified by the sender |
screen_entities | Always an empty list. | [] |
payment_provider_resposes | Always a single entry array. |
operation_successful | Always false. | false |
provider_name | Merchant ID of the beneficiary configured in the system. | test_merchant |
reference_code | Transaction reference ID under which inbound transfer is credited to beneficiary’s account. It is recommended displaying this ID in a CRM for easy reconciliation. | CT001-0988455 |
provider_reference_code | The IBAN of the beneficiary. For Cyprus, the same as beneficiary_iban. | CY66904000010004100014401000 |
respose_id | Same as the original_sender_name | Paul Anderson |
status_code | Date & time of the payment. | 2021-04-16T09:50:20.2391789Z |
external_correlation_id | This reference can be provided to ISX by a merchant. The data can then be returned in the notifications. Only one external_correlation_id can be assigned per merchant’s IBAN. | 4b292023-8b0b-4e75-98b4-5f07273ef06e |
details | Same as transaction_detail. These are payment details received from a sender – sender to beneficiary payment details. | Reference or message specified by the sender |
manual_reconcilliation | Always false. | false |
payment_amount | Amount data. |
currency | Transaction currency. | EUR, GBP, USD |
amount | Amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g., cents if using EUR). | 2500 |
Sample EUR Notification
"event":"payment_success", //this is always the same
"original_sender_name":"Test User",
"provider_name":"Test Merchant",
"reference_code":"CT001-0988455", //“id” is the unique ID of the SIIN transaction, the “CT” in the “reference_code” is our own internal reference number
"provider_reference_code":"CY66904000010004100014401000", //this is the IBAN of the beneficiary’s account
"response_id":"Thompson", //this carries the same information as the ”original_sender_name” field
"status_code":"2021-04-16T09:50:20.2391789Z", //this is the date and time of the incoming transaction
Sample notification for all other currencies, except EUR
"event":"payment_success", //this is always the same
"original_sender_name":"Viera Mylonas",
"original_sender_address":", , , ",
"transaction_detail":"Citizen test 1",
"reference_code":"CTUK1-0001391", //“id” is the unique ID of the SIIN transaction, the “CT” in the “reference_code” is our own internal reference number
"provider_reference_code":"1014876501000", //this is the 8-digit account of the beneficiary’s account
"response_id":"Viera Mylonas", //this carries the same information as the ”original_sender_name” field
"status_code":"2023-01-27T16:46:11.041366Z", //this is the date and time of the incoming transaction
"details":"Citizen test 1",
3. Retry Schedule
We are expecting to receive a HTTP status code of 2xx (100, 201 etc) in response to the notification. More info on HTTP status codes is provided here.
If we receive something else (or we are unable to connect to your server), then we consider the transmission of the notification to have failed.
In this case, we will be re-attempting the notification until either:
Your server responses with 2xx HTTP status code; or
Retries are exhausted for the notification.
It is recommended that you respond with non-2xx HTTP status codes only if you were unable to receive the message because we monitor failures.
Retries follow the following schedule:
5 seconds, 1 minute, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, and, finally, after 1 more day.
Since it is possible for your system to receive the message successfully, but we may not get an 2xx HTTP status code (e.g., timeout), you should be prepared to receive notifications at least once. So, duplicate notifications may be received by your system. Your system must deduplicate messages using appropriate unique identifiers.
3.1 De-duplication
Your system must expect to receive duplicate notifications.
It is possible that your server receives a webhook, but due to connectivity loss or timeouts, ISX does not receive a 2xx response from you. In this case, ISX will retry the notification, despite your system having already processed it.
In order to de-duplicate, utilise the uid
attribute in the notification body to determine whether the notification is unique. We suggest that you track these identifiers on your side and ignore messages that have repeated.
4. Prerequisite
It is mandatory for the notification URL provided to be HTTP protocol that uses the SSL/TLS protocol for encryption and authentication (HTTPS).
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol in the Internet protocol suite model for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web, where hypertext documents include hyperlinks to other resources that the user can easily access, for example by a mouse click or by tapping the screen in a web browser.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a protocol that aims to establish a secure connection between servers. It is not possible to connect securely to a website with HTTP. HTTPS makes it possible to connect to websites such as HTTP in a secure way.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are networking protocols designed for securing connections between web clients and web servers over an insecure network, such as the Internet.
5. Final notifications
If you have received 'final' notifications, then any notifications after this should be ignored.
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